
Links for families, students, faculty, and staff — (updated 8-3-23)

If you are looking for information and cannot find it on this website, please contact info@phoenixjoipoetry.com,我们将添加到这一页.

  • Textbooks — Book ordering for the 2023-2024 school year can be done with ecampus, our book vendor. 你可透过以下连结进入MHS书店: http://misshalls.ecampus.com. Please feel free to have your books delivered directly to Miss Hall's School.

If you have any questions about logging in to these sites, please contact technology@phoenixjoipoetry.com.



• 有关学术方面的问题: 梅根·史密斯,教学院长,电话413-395-7014; meghan.smith@phoenixjoipoetry.com

澳门威利斯网站学生生活的问题: Sarah Virden,学生主任,电话413-395-7018; svirden@phoenixjoipoetry.com

澳门威利斯网站多样性和包容性的问题: 宝拉·利马·琼斯,公平与包容学院院长,电话413-395-7117, plimajones@phoenixjoipoetry.com

有关澳门威利斯网站表的问题: 菲利普·兰达,注册主任,电话413-395-7021; planda@phoenixjoipoetry.com

• 有关健康和咨询资源的问题: 克里斯汀·米兰诺,健康学院院长,电话413-395-7072, kmilano@phoenixjoipoetry.com

• 有关支持澳门威利斯网站的问题: Merritt Colaizzi,进步主任,413-395-7065, mcolaizzi@phoenixjoipoetry.com

• 一般问题: 澳门威利斯网站的学校电话,413-443-6401


Information for students and families about the 2023-24 school year, 包括校园健康和安全协议. We will add additional information here as we receive questions and clarify answers.


All student forms and medical documentation — FACTS and Magnus forms — were due on Tuesday, 8月1日, 但我们将在8月15日之前接受表格. 所有表格必须在抵达校园前填写并提交. Students who are missing forms cannot participate in orientation or other activities, 包括领导力培训, athletics, 或类.


国际新生提前到达, 所有学校领导, Proctors, 季前赛运动员(邀请)

New International Student Orientation; Pre-Season Athletics; Student Leadership Workshops

All Bigs


新来的学生 & 欢迎新家庭





欢迎家长在到校当天到学校报到! Please note that we only allow one family member in the dorm at time. 这个支持你的人会在一天中不断变化, but there should not be more than one guest/family member in any room at the same time. Other family members may gather in one of the designated areas outdoors or in common areas in the Main Building.


住宿生活小组正在安排室友. Students, make sure you have completed your Roommate Questionnaire Form fully to help us select your roommates.

室友作业, 顾问的任务, and early arrival student leaders training schedule will all be sent later this month. 新生须知, make sure you have connected with your Big at least once — they are a great resource and support for you as you start your time at MHS. 对于寄宿学生, 这是装箱单的提示.

Does the School provide transportation to and from airports before and after breaks?

除了在秋季长周末开始的时候, 就在秋季家庭周末之后, Miss Hall’s School provides school vacation transportation to and from Albany and Bradley/Hartford international airports, as well as to and from designated drop-off and pick-up points for Boston and New York City-area international airports. MHS安排直接往返约翰F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) only at Fall Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. The school does not provide transportation to any other airport or city.


All students have received their courses for the school year and information about ordering books. This was emailed to all returning students via their Miss Hall’s School email account and to all new students and families via the email addresses shared with the School during the admission process. 请使用您的澳门威利斯网站信息 通过我们的书商为即将到来的学年订购书籍, ecampus.com.

MHS书店的链接是 http://misshalls.ecampus.com/. When you go to the ecampus site, you will shop using your class list as your guide. 寄宿学生当然可以有 直接寄给MHS的书如果这样更容易的话. 请确保 在收货地址上写上你的名字, 这样我们就知道包裹应该交给谁了. Should you have any questions about your class information that you have received, 请联系菲尔·兰达, Registrar, 通过电子邮件: planda@phoenixjoipoetry.com.


All students have a bank of excused absences to use for cultural or religious observations, 一学年(9月至5月)最多5天. 根据这项政策, 可以为赎罪日之类的节日找借口缺席, 农历新年, 耶稣受难日, 开斋节, etc. 有关该政策的更多信息,请参阅我们的 2023-24学生家庭手册.


The Miss Hall’s School Incident Response Team (IRT) closely monitors developments regarding COVID-19, making decisions grounded in real data and sound guidance from public health experts.

达到或超过当地标准是我们的惯例, state, and national guidelines regarding COVID safety and define specific policies and protocols that work for MHS. 我们目前的协议概述如下.

Any changes will be communicated to students and families as needed.

  • 疫苗接种: All current students must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before the start of the school year. 疫苗接种证明必须上载于 Magnus 电子病历门户. The School also reserves the right to update its vaccination requirements at any time to protect community health.
  • Masking: Masking is optional on campus and during off-campus trips and activities. The School may require indoor masking in response to community health rates and/or during times when there is more risk of exposure, 比如紧接着长时间的休息. We encourage individuals to wear masks if they feel more comfortable doing so, 我们尊重每个人的选择. We also ask all to be mindful of sel-monitoring of symptoms and to wear a mask if you have been in contact with anyone who is ill.
  • Testing: Per CDC guidelines and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, MHS将不再进行每周社区测试. We will, however, continue to administer rapid tests for symptomatic individuals as this has proven to be effective in preventing spread of the virus. 如果一个人在校园里出现症状, they should report to the Health Center immediately for a rapid test.
  • 症状筛查: If an individual experiences symptoms while at home, please do not come to campus! 请与健康中心联系以获取进一步指示.
  • Isolation & 检疫: Positive individuals must isolate for at least 5 days, per CDC guidelines. The CDC no longer recommends quarantine for close contacts; however, MHS may require students or employees to follow quarantine protocols in certain situations.
  • Visitors: Visitors to campus must check in with Campus Safety upon arrival and follow all current MHS protocols. Family members are welcome to be on campus during approved visitor hours, with advance notice. 对于某些预先注册的事件(例如.g. 招生开放日, reunion, 和售票演出), 学校可能要求接种疫苗的证明. Visitors who are experiencing symptoms or have been recently exposed to a positive individual should reschedule their campus visit.
  • 校外活动: 我们将提供定期的校外活动和旅行. 共同良好准则适用于校外活动. Activities may be changed or canceled based on current local or campus conditions.


Miss Hall’s requires all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19.